Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I am most upset, and other updates.


I am le mis.

2. I wonder if every red head in this city knows that I have a crush on them. Seriously.

3. Yesterday, Jessica and I went for a run down Commonwealth and stopped over on Newbury St. to get as close to Boylston St. without being pummeled by the FBI as possible. I didn't take any pictures because I didn't think it was appropriate, but man is it eerie. And it's sad.

4. Knowing that there are so many news anchors here, I've been on the lookout for faces I might recognize. I saw Scott Pelley from CBS news yesterday after my run. He has very dewy skin. Also, I'm pretty sure that for .3 seconds I was on National News because I walked right behind him while the camera was rolling. I hope America saw my high waisted pants, sweaty hair, and general state of disorder and it provided them with a few moments of light laughter and distraction. No autographs, please.

5. Today I thought I saw Anderson Cooper casually eating lunch in Post Office Square. Turns out it was not him. I guess I forgot that if Anderson Cooper were eating lunch in Post Office Square, it wouldn't be so casually.

6. I can't wait until my Fruit & Vegetable CSA starts showing up.


 I don't really have any further comments on this, I just want it to start showing up is all.

7. I'm still taking pictures of Winston & Walter.

I realize that it's the same exact picture every time, even though I'm taking them on different days, but I can't stop.

That bean bag is for lovers.

You can smoosh their faces if you want to.


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